How to get your dream life?

Everybody has periods in live in which everything you dreamed of seems unreachable and impossible! We begin to ask ourselves if working for it makes sense. This is completely normal but you have to be careful. No matter how big the problems you are facing are, you have to work through! The risk of letting your dream die is very high. Life is testing you and you have to show your power!

The secret of every successful person is hard work and discipline! You need these both things to get sh*t done and hustle trough the hard times! You need to get addicted to winning and reaching your goals. You need two types of goals: Short time goals and long time goals. Long time goals help you to stay focused and keep you on track like a big mountain which you can see from far away! But sometimes the weather is bad and you only can see 10 meters or less. In this case the bad weather stands for the hard times in life when you loose your direction and you want to give up. Now you need short time goals to recognize your progress. They keep you motivated and get you extra power to stay strong! Make sure you create the short time goals along the way to your long time or life goal. In case of struggling you make sure to move towards your goal.

If you are struggling right now, set your goals and keep your head down and you will make it trough!

Stay strong and subscribe to my blog! I want to keep you all motivated and inspire you to do great! Have a productive day!

Chris Gorki

You are lazy? Read this!

You! Yes you, the one who is in front of this computer or smartphone. Answer the following questions:

  • Have you done at least 3 things which will bring you closer to your goals today?
  • Have you worked out or have done something good for you and your body?
  • Have you read at least 30 minutes today?
  • Have wrote down your goals?
  • Have you achieved everything you wanted to do today?

Have you answers more than 3 questions with no? Congrats you are a lazy peace of sh*t!! No excuses! The first step to change something is to recognize it. Then take action to change it! There is no other way!

Now take your time and imagine your dream. Draw it in your head as clear as possible. Which car do you want have? Where do you want to live? How many children do you want to have? Imagine your body, your house, your garden, your boat! everything. And now change you with the person you hate! You can only watch this person living your life!

Wake up!

Every time you slow down someone will hustle even harder! There is someone taking your dream! Do you want to let this happen? No? Then stand up, make 10 push ups to start your brain and work! Work harder! Hustle! You have to shoot for the top! There is no shortcut to make your dream come true!

Stay pumped for the next post! And stay strong no matter what happens! Subscribe if you want to read more!